Organizational innovation

Gain competitive advantage and adapt easily for a long term growth.

We help companies gain a competitive advantage by staying ahead of the curve, while also facilitating adaptability to changing market conditions. This combination fosters long-term growth and sustainability, allowing businesses to thrive in dynamic environments.

Your Problem: Our Solution

What is my competitive advantage as a company?

When your team utilizes a design system, shipping new features becomes faster. With design systems, designers spend less time designing components that already exist, and handoff to engineers is easier because most of the interface is already built with existing components.

How can we enhance and cultivate a strong employee engagement.

Centralizing design guidelines encourages collaboration among designers, developers, and other stakeholders. It provides a common platform for sharing ideas, gathering feedback, and iterating on design decisions, leading to better overall outcomes.

I need to keep traction and forecast my next goals.

We lay the foundation for long-term growth and sustainability by identifying new opportunities, markets, and revenue streams with a detailed strategy that encompasses innovative approaches and forward-thinking solutions.

An assessment of the organization's current culture and climate for innovation, including strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement.


Innovation Strategy Blueprint

 A comprehensive document outlining the overarching innovation strategy for the organization, including goals, objectives, target areas for innovation, and key performance indicators (KPIs).

Idea Generation and Prioritization Framework

A structured approach to generating and evaluating innovative ideas within the organization. This framework includes methods for idea generation, criteria for evaluating ideas, and a process for prioritizing ideas based on their potential impact and feasibility.

Innovation Roadmap

A visual roadmap outlining the timeline and key milestones for implementing the innovation strategy. This roadmap may include specific initiatives, projects, and timelines for execution, as well as allocated resources and responsibilities.

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Innovation Culture Assessment Report

An assessment of the organization's current culture and climate for innovation, including strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement. This report may include findings from surveys, interviews, and observations, along with recommendations for fostering a more innovative culture within the organization.

Innovation Strategy Blueprint

 A comprehensive document outlining the overarching innovation strategy for the organization, including goals, objectives, target areas for innovation, and key performance indicators (KPIs).

Idea Generation and Prioritization Framework

A structured approach to generating and evaluating innovative ideas within the organization. This framework includes methods for idea generation, criteria for evaluating ideas, and a process for prioritizing ideas based on their potential impact and feasibility.

Innovation Roadmap

A visual roadmap outlining the timeline and key milestones for implementing the innovation strategy. This roadmap may include specific initiatives, projects, and timelines for execution, as well as allocated resources and responsibilities.

Innovation Culture Assessment Report

An assessment of the organization's current culture and climate for innovation, including strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement. This report may include findings from surveys, interviews, and observations, along with recommendations for fostering a more innovative culture within the organization.

Innovation Strategy Blueprint

 A comprehensive document outlining the overarching innovation strategy for the organization, including goals, objectives, target areas for innovation, and key performance indicators (KPIs).

Innovation Strategy Blueprint

 A comprehensive document outlining the overarching innovation strategy for the organization, including goals, objectives, target areas for innovation, and key performance indicators (KPIs).

Idea Generation and Prioritization Framework

A structured approach to generating and evaluating innovative ideas within the organization. This framework includes methods for idea generation, criteria for evaluating ideas, and a process for prioritizing ideas based on their potential impact and feasibility.

Innovation Roadmap

A visual roadmap outlining the timeline and key milestones for implementing the innovation strategy. This roadmap may include specific initiatives, projects, and timelines for execution, as well as allocated resources and responsibilities.

Innovation Culture Assessment Report

An assessment of the organization's current culture and climate for innovation, including strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement. This report may include findings from surveys, interviews, and observations, along with recommendations for fostering a more innovative culture within the organization.

Innovation Strategy Blueprint

 A comprehensive document outlining the overarching innovation strategy for the organization, including goals, objectives, target areas for innovation, and key performance indicators (KPIs).

Idea Generation and Prioritization Framework

A structured approach to generating and evaluating innovative ideas within the organization. This framework includes methods for idea generation, criteria for evaluating ideas, and a process for prioritizing ideas based on their potential impact and feasibility.

Innovation Roadmap

A visual roadmap outlining the timeline and key milestones for implementing the innovation strategy. This roadmap may include specific initiatives, projects, and timelines for execution, as well as allocated resources and responsibilities.

Innovation Culture Assessment Report

An assessment of the organization's current culture and climate for innovation, including strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement. This report may include findings from surveys, interviews, and observations, along with recommendations for fostering a more innovative culture within the organization.

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Our Process

Evaluate Current State
Evaluate Current State
Understand Innovation needs
Generate Actions
Evaluate Current State
Understand Innovation needs
Generate Actions
Strategy Set-up
Evaluate Current State
Understand Innovation needs
Generate Actions
Strategy Set-up


Discover how we've assisted companies in defining a growth trajectory, boosting sales, and rapidly establishing market positioning.

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Organizational Innovation FAQS

 What is the purpose of an organizational innovation service?

- The purpose is to help organizations foster a culture of innovation, identify opportunities for growth and improvement, and develop strategies and initiatives to drive innovation and creativity throughout the organization.

How does an organizational innovation service benefit my organization?

- An organizational innovation service helps your organization stay ahead of the competition by continuously adapting to changing market conditions, identifying new opportunities, and developing innovative solutions to meet customer needs. It also fosters employee engagement, enhances productivity, and drives long-term growth and sustainability.

What methodologies and tools are used in organizational innovation services?

- Organizational innovation services may use a variety of methodologies and tools, including design thinking, agile methodologies, brainstorming sessions, idea management platforms, and innovation workshops. These approaches are tailored to the specific needs and objectives of the organization to maximize effectiveness.

How can my organization measure the success of an organizational innovation service?

- Success can be measured through key performance indicators (KPIs) such as the number of innovative ideas generated, the percentage of ideas implemented, the impact of innovation initiatives on business metrics (e.g., revenue growth, cost savings), and feedback from employees and customers. Regular assessments and reviews of the innovation strategy and outcomes help ensure ongoing improvement and success.

 What is the purpose of an organizational innovation service?

- The purpose is to help organizations foster a culture of innovation, identify opportunities for growth and improvement, and develop strategies and initiatives to drive innovation and creativity throughout the organization.

How does an organizational innovation service benefit my organization?

- An organizational innovation service helps your organization stay ahead of the competition by continuously adapting to changing market conditions, identifying new opportunities, and developing innovative solutions to meet customer needs. It also fosters employee engagement, enhances productivity, and drives long-term growth and sustainability.

What methodologies and tools are used in organizational innovation services?

- Organizational innovation services may use a variety of methodologies and tools, including design thinking, agile methodologies, brainstorming sessions, idea management platforms, and innovation workshops. These approaches are tailored to the specific needs and objectives of the organization to maximize effectiveness.

How can my organization measure the success of an organizational innovation service?

- Success can be measured through key performance indicators (KPIs) such as the number of innovative ideas generated, the percentage of ideas implemented, the impact of innovation initiatives on business metrics (e.g., revenue growth, cost savings), and feedback from employees and customers. Regular assessments and reviews of the innovation strategy and outcomes help ensure ongoing improvement and success.

 What is the purpose of an organizational innovation service?

- The purpose is to help organizations foster a culture of innovation, identify opportunities for growth and improvement, and develop strategies and initiatives to drive innovation and creativity throughout the organization.

How does an organizational innovation service benefit my organization?

- An organizational innovation service helps your organization stay ahead of the competition by continuously adapting to changing market conditions, identifying new opportunities, and developing innovative solutions to meet customer needs. It also fosters employee engagement, enhances productivity, and drives long-term growth and sustainability.

What methodologies and tools are used in organizational innovation services?

- Organizational innovation services may use a variety of methodologies and tools, including design thinking, agile methodologies, brainstorming sessions, idea management platforms, and innovation workshops. These approaches are tailored to the specific needs and objectives of the organization to maximize effectiveness.

How can my organization measure the success of an organizational innovation service?

- Success can be measured through key performance indicators (KPIs) such as the number of innovative ideas generated, the percentage of ideas implemented, the impact of innovation initiatives on business metrics (e.g., revenue growth, cost savings), and feedback from employees and customers. Regular assessments and reviews of the innovation strategy and outcomes help ensure ongoing improvement and success.

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"While their skills were valuable, it was ultimately their client management and interaction that impressed us."

WANDR's remarkable UI/UX design skills enabled the firm to finish their clickable prototype. Transparent and responsive, they made adjustments in order to meet the client's expectations. Their honest, caring, and assertive approach were hallmarks of their work, leading to a successful partnership.

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