Their portfolio of casting software solutions boasts the largest global footprint in the industry.

Talent Systems

Casting Networks fuels talent discovery across film, television, commercials, theater, digital projects and beyond. Their casting and crew hiring solutions connect talent with high-quality jobs with the world’s most prolific casting directors and creators. Their portfolio of casting software solutions boasts the largest global footprint in the industry.

Streamlined Casting Process

The revamped UI presents information in a complete and intuitive manner, addressing pain points and accommodating both old and new generations of users.

Improved Communication and Collaboration

Wandr's focus on understanding the pain points and tools needed for success in the casting process, through discussions with industry professionals, results in an enhanced user experience for Casting Networks' platform.

Enhanced User Experience and Satisfaction

The intuitive UI, enhanced search capabilities, and communication features contribute to increased user satisfaction.
Work Mockups

Services Provided

UI/UX Design Enhancement

Search Capability Enhancement

Communication and Collaboration Platform Development


UX/UI Designer

Project Manager

Web architect


Talent platform



About the project


Re-visit and create a UI that will present information in the most complete and intuitive way possible, easy to digest, and solve some of the casting process's biggest pain points.


Casting Networks (part of Talent Systems) encountered a post-pandemic increasing digitalization and a whole set of new competitors in the digital casting scenery. Whilst their trajectory and database remains being the leading casting services product in the industry, their UI needed enhancement to accommodate both old and new generations of casting directors and producers needs, as well as a toolkit that would accommodate both, and an enhanced search, to be able to look for new and existing talent.


At WANDR we believe that the discovery stage marks the foundation for any successful product. In this case, we were able to talk and discuss the current casting process with several important Casting Directors in the industry to better understand the pain points and tools needed for the product to succeed.


Work Mockups
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"I’m impressed that the project was done fast and resulted in quality work."

See how we improved user interfaces for cinema and showtime selection, and enhanced movie components to allow for greater flexibility and user engagement.

Mobile app

Design System

User Interface

Interactive Design

Case Studies Deep Dive

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